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Patient Education

There are a range of prevention screenings and tests available for groups of MSP care card holders when you meet a certain criteria e.g. age, gender. Below are some of the most commonly seen:

British Columbia Vaccine Schedules

Want to know if your vaccination record is up to date? Please find the immunization schedules for all ages below:

What is a Cervical Cancer Screening?

According to BC Cancer Agency, Cervical Cancer Screening (PAP smears) every 3 years are recommended for females who are aged 25-69 and has had sexual intercourse in the past. The exam is funded by the government. Please contact your physician for an appointment. 


For more information, please visit here 

What is a Screening Mammogram?

According to BC Cancer Agency, Screening mammogram every 2 years are indicated for females who are aged 40-74 with an average risk of breast cancer. It is a screening test for early detection of cancerous changes in the breast. The exam is funded by the government. Evidence shows that regular screening mammogram will reduce the incidence of breast cancer in the general population. If the report turns out to be of any concern then patient may need further test such as diagnostic mammogram, ultrasound or biopsy of the suspicious areas. Please contact your physician for an appointment. 

For more information, please visit here

What is a FIT?

According to BC Cancer Agency, fecal immunochemical test (FIT) every 2 years are indicated for both males and females who are aged 50-74 and have average risk of colon cancer. The exam is funded by the government. FIT is the screening test for colon cancer. FIT detects blood in your stool which can be a sign of pre-cancer. Please contact your physician for an appointment. 

For more information, please visit here

**For discussion on your eligibility or more information about these tests, please contact your physician for an appointment.**


ImmunizeBC. (2022, November). BC Routine Immunization Schedule - Infants & Children.

ImmunizeBC. (2022, November). BC Routine Immunization Schedule - School Age.

BC Cancer Agency. (2022, September). Cervix Screening.

BC Cancer Agency. (2022, September). Breast Screening.

BC Cancer Agency. (2022, October). Colon Screening.


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